Rabu, 01 Agustus 2012


First, let me welcome you to my little corner of the blog. My Little Baby PooH is a blog that began in 2012. This blog is a mothers journal and to document the growing of my little boy

About Our Family
We are manadones and javanes culture background. You can read all about us, what we do, our faith beliefs, why I blog, and more!
I like writing about the people I love, but I know I love to read about {and see a photo} so here’s a bit about who I am. My name is Joice ~ This is me…

I am a 28 year old mom,have 0ne son. I am also a wife of over 1,5 years to an amazing and godly man. My husband is my accountability partner in all areas, I am so grateful for his support and wisdom as he guides me lovingly.

There is much more to who I am, but hopefully what you will see when you visit my blog is that God has given me things to share and I pray I am a good steward over what He has given me. This blog truly belongs to Him.

My Son
It’s my son,His name is; Darren Gavriel Rorimpunu.